Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: How to Be Cool at College
Section B
Text-B-Hi, I'm New- Here !
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Filling in Registration Forms
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: If You Don't Make Mistakes, You Won't Learn!
Section B
Text B: How to Learn English from Movies
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing a Business Card
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Wealth, Success or Love?
Section B
Text B: Silly Mr. Smith
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Notes (1)
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us
Section B
Text B: Five Modern Time-Savers That Really Aren't
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Notes (2)
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: A'Winning Personality
Section B
Text B: Michael Jordan and Me
Section C
Practical Writing: Address Format
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Happy New Year
Section B
Text B: Christmas Traditions
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Personal Letters (1)
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Meeting New People on Campus
Section B
Text B: Silence on the Court
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Personal Letters (2)
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Body Language in Daily Use
Section B
Text B: Using Gestures to Communicate
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Telephone Messages
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Low on Cash? Try Paris for a Holiday!
Section B
Text B: Mystery Customers Are Everywhere
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Cards for Different Occasions
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?
Section B
Text B: Different Ways of Talking
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Signs