郭伯南,1933年生,河北省任丘市人。河北北京师院文学系毕业。《人民中国》杂志社编审。主要编著有:《中华五千年史话》、《彩图版•中华文明史》、《上下一万年•图说中国通史》、《东方智慧宝库〈易经〉》、《度量衡起源新说》、《文物纵横谈》、《文物鉴赏100 讲》、《华夏风物探源》、《茶余饭后谈文化》、《中华文明概览》等。外文版有:《物语•中国の历史》(日)、《中国书法艺术入门》(英、法、德)、《中国文化史入门》(日)、《中国文化ルツ》(日)、《秦始皇帝の兵马俑》(日)等。
Guo Bonan, a senior editor at the People’s China (in Japanese) monthly in Beijing. A researcher in the history of Chinese culture, he has authored and compiled a number of books on Chinese civilization, with some of them translated into English, French, German, and Japanese.
Bao Qianyi, received her Bachelor of Commerce and MA in English Literature from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). Upon graduation in 2000, she joined the Faculty of English in UIBE. She was trained as a conference interpreter at Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission. Returned to UIBE in 2004, she started to run a seminar course for the postgraduates on history of Europe.