◆ 爸爸的“帮助”Father’s “Help”
◆ 晚饭时间Dinner Time
◆ 汽车故障Car Breakdown
◆ 免票Free Ticket
◆ 粗暴的游戏Rough Play
◆ 克隆爸爸Father Clones
◆ 打靶练习Target Practice
◆ 完美照片Perfect Picture
◆ 致命的错误One Fatal Mistake
◆ 和爸爸一起训练Training with Dad
◆ 尽情跳跃Just Jump
◆ 上床睡觉Go to Bed
◆ 看牙医Dentist Visit
◆ 理发时间Time for a Haircut
◆ 父子在厨房Boys in the Kitchen
◆ 离家出走Runaway Boy
◆ 爸爸狗Dad the Dog
◆ 发火也艺术Artistic Anger
◆ 艺术品带来的灵感Ideas from Art
◆ 我在抽烟,看我!Smoking for Attention
◆ 就一杯Just A Cup of Drink
◆ 足球赛Football Match
◆ 鱼儿的来信The Fish’s Letter
◆ 共打一把伞Sharing an Umbrella
◆ 小狗的问题The Dog’s Problem
◆ 量身高Height Check
◆ 失败的劫匪Failing Robber
◆ 羞愧地走开Walk of Shame
◆ 小猪学把戏Pig Tricks
◆ 打水漂Skipping Rocks
◆ 输不起的人Sore Loser
◆ 不幸的失误A Poor Mistake
◆ 可爱的大象Lovable Elephants
◆ 恶作剧之画画Painting Prank
◆ 美好时光A Good Time with Instrument
◆ 梦游者The Sleepwalker
◆ 刮胡子的戏法Shave Trick
◆ 教坏习惯Teaching Bad Habits
◆ 营救之旅Rescue Ride
◆ 踢到老爸了A Kickball Named Dad
◆ 天使的翅膀Angel’s Wings
◆ 懒人的故事Tales of the Lazy Man
◆ 找燃料的绅士Fuel for Sirs
◆ 还得受罚Not-Forgotten Punishment
◆ 救错火了Mistaken Fire
◆ 意外也美丽An Artistic Disaster
◆ 儿子不想输A Boy Hating to Lose
◆ 顽固的苹果The Stubborn Apple
◆ 新式骑马法Horse Innovation
◆ 愚弄爸爸Tricking Dad
◆ 幸运的“渔夫儿子”The Lucky “Fisher-Kid”
◆ 失而复得的锯子Lost-and-Found Saw
◆ 心爱的礼物Beloved Gifts
◆ 买牛奶Milk Delivery
◆ 从滑冰到晚餐From Skates to Dinner
◆ 真心帮助Help from Your Heart
◆ 骑马Horse Ride
◆ 爸爸做饭Dad’s Cooking
◆ 混蛋小姐Ms. Jerk
◆ 妖怪儿子Monster Son
◆ 雪茄还是爆竹?Cigarette or Firework?
◆ 无头爸爸Headless Dad
◆ 宠坏的天鹅Spoiled Swan
◆ 给风装个锚Anchoring the Wind
◆ 这招不灵Failed Trick
◆ 长头的桌子先生Mr. Tablehead
◆ 爸爸蛋Daddy Eggs
◆ 禁止玩耍Forbidden Fun
◆ 意外成英雄Accidental Hero
◆ 像还是不像Being or Not Being Alike
◆ 饥饿的鸟Hungry Bird
◆ “能干”的狗An “Able” Dog
◆ 得而复失的晚餐Lost Dinner
◆ 遇见美人鱼Encounter with a Mermaid
◆ 因果报应Karma
◆ 马力Horsepower
◆ 梦幻般的惊喜A Dreamlike Surprise
◆ 运气不佳Bad Luck Buttons
◆ 倒霉的鱼儿The Ill-Fated Fish
◆ 歌德的书Goethe’s Books
◆ 逃跑的咖啡Runaway Coffee
◆ 能弹起来的铅球Bouncing Shot
◆ 意外的冠军Accidental Winner
◆ 伪君子爸爸Dad the Hypocrite
◆ “生病”的日子“Sick” Day
◆ 钓鱼好办法Finding a Way to Fish
◆ 摔碎的奖品A Slippery Victory
◆ T团队合作eamwork
◆ 底线The Bottom Line
◆ 帮倒忙“Great” Help
◆ 小图钉,大用处Little Pin, Great Use
◆ 像爸爸一样Just Like Dad
◆ 开卷有益A Good Book
◆ 种下力量Planted Strength
◆ 看戏得守规矩Discipline Theatre
◆ 全家福Family Photo
◆ 都是一家人All in the Family
◆ 谁是圣诞老人?Who’s Santa?
◆ 魔法书Magic Book
◆ 巧合Coincidence
◆ 节日气氛Holiday Spirit
◆ 被误会的朋友Mistaken Friend
◆ 捕鸭Duck Hunt
◆ 新发明New Invention
◆ 纸条恶作剧Message Prank
◆ 雪人爸爸Snowdad
◆ 另有用处Finding Multiple Uses
◆ 惩罚The Punishment
◆ 发现乐趣Found Fun
◆ 狮子追来啦Chasing Lion
◆ 神奇的鲸鱼Mystical Whale
◆ 百万遗嘱The Will
◆ 盔甲骑士Knight in Shining Armor
◆ 潘多拉盒子Pandora’s Box
◆ 大餐A Good Meal
◆ 运煤时间Coal Time
◆ 时装秀Fashion Show
◆ 愤怒的幽灵Angry Ghost
◆ 救生员爸爸Lifeguard Dad
◆ 玩伴Playmate
◆ 无家可归的天才Homeless Talent
◆ 看一套,做一套Ironic Reading
◆ 怯场Stage Fright
◆ 悲伤的音乐Sad Music
◆ 今晚的杂耍表演Tonight’s Entertainment
◆ 财富所带来的特权The Privileges of Wealth
◆ 会拳击的管家Boxing Butler
◆ 帮错了Mistaken Help
◆ 被困荒岛Being Stranded
◆ 苦干不如巧干Working Smarter, Not Harder
◆ 寻求帮助Looking for Help
◆ 好心没好报Getting Evil for Good
◆ 逮豹“能手”Dad the Leopard Catcher
◆ 驯马师Horse Tamer
◆ 游泳去Going for a Swim
◆ 耍猴Tricking the Monkey
◆ 海盗!Pirates!
◆ 捕鱼妙招Smart Fishing
◆ 逃生失败Failed Getaway
◆ 新伙伴Parrot a New Companion
◆ 海狸的报复The Revenge of the Beaver
◆ 交新朋友Make New Friends
◆ 船沉了Boat Fail
◆ 抓错了Wrong Catch
◆ 信使The Message Bird
◆ 不该受罚A Wrong Punishment
◆ 公正的风Fair Wind
◆ 邮站Post Stand
◆ 农场Farming 101101
◆ 一只废船An Abandoned Ship
◆ 工具:真正的财富Tools: The Real Treasure
◆ 上将爸爸Commander Dad
◆ 双重标准Double Standard
◆ 被废弃的书An Abandoned Book
◆ 终于得救了Finally Rescued
◆ 愤怒的船长Angry Captain
◆ 家,甜蜜的家Home, Sweet Home
◆ 生日快乐Happy Birthday
◆ 丑陋的管家Ugly Butler
◆ 抢占先机Taking the Opportunity
◆ 魔术Magic Trick
◆ 改良的眼镜Improved Glasses
◆ 爸爸晕血Father Afraid of Blood
◆ 郁闷的狩猎Uncomfortable Hunting
◆ 失去的宠物Lost Pet
◆ 画出来的照片Painted Photography
◆ 恶搞雕塑Fun with Statues
◆ 拽绳子Pull the String
◆ 没瞄准Missed Targets
◆ 缠成一团的艺术Tangled Art
◆ 全家福Family Portrait
◆ 我们的狗Our Dog
◆ 作业本着火了Burning Homework
◆ 酒后刮胡子Drunk Shaving
◆ 父子骑车记Father-and-Son Biking
◆ 狗绅士Gentleman Dog
◆ 瓶中信Message in a Bottle
◆ 滑稽的长相Funny Looking
◆ 魔术表演Magic Show
◆ 荡秋千有益健康Healthy Swing
◆ 谁踢的Who Kicked
◆ 真假蜡像Wax Doubles
◆ 体面的一家Proper Family
◆ 从不会输Always Winning
◆ 水疗日Spa Day
◆ 挨了一拳After a Bow
◆ 创新Innovation
◆ 重返魔术表演现场Back to the Magic Show
◆ 学杂耍Learning to Juggle
◆ 喜欢帽子的幽灵Ghosts Like Hats
◆ 飘在半空的儿子Levitating Boy
◆ 恼怒的爸爸Annoyed Dad
◆ 主角The Actors
◆ 成名Getting Famous
◆ 月亮和星星The Moon and the Star