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  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书
  • The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书

The Poetic Tradition: Essays on Greek, Latin and English Poetry (The Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures on Poetry) 诗歌传统【英文版,精装】馆藏书

  • 作者: 
  • 出版社:    The John Hopkins University Press
  • 出版时间: 
  • 装帧:    精装
  • 页数:    156页
  • 作者: 
  • 出版社:  The John Hopkins University Press
  • 出版时间: 
  • 装帧:  精装
  • 页数:  156页

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      外文古旧书 > 英文书 > 文学

      The 7 essays in this volume are concerned with the central How have major poets of the past used and altered poetic tradition? The poets that are the subject of these essays are Pindar, Euripides, Horace, Vergil, Spencer, Herbert, and Whitman. Each essay was delivered during the academic year of 1965-6 at the John Hopkins University as the Percy Graeme Turnball Memorial Lectures on Poetry.






    开播时间:09月02日 10:30
