In the highly anticipated second installment of the Deadline publications Will Steacy tells the story of an industry in crisis and a family legacy cut short. Steacy’s latest book reveals the harsh realities facing the newspaper industry today in a behind-the-scenes look at one newsroom’s grit and determination to get the news out despite shrinking advertising revenue, falling circulation, lay-offs, buy-outs, and bankruptcy. In his follow up to the critically acclaimed Deadline newspaper, this 190-page book features Steacy’s photographs of The Inquirer newsroom and printing plant, historical material from The Inquirer's archive and his own family's five-generation newsman history. The accompanying essay by former Inquirer executive editor Gene Roberts, whose leadership won the paper 17 Pulitzer Prizes, explains how corporate media consolidation and the shift from newsroom expansion to budget cutting in an effort to maximize shareholder value were the first dominos in the newspaper industry’s subsequent downfall. Deadline not only provides us an open window into the realities of an industry in crisis, but also explains how and why we got here. Steacy’s in-depth examination of the downfall of the media is particularly relevant in an election year in which the consequences of the de-newspaperization of America are on full display as facts and accountability have been trumped by voters' political ideology. 在备受期待的《最后期限》出版物第二期中,《告诉》讲述了一个行业陷入危机,家族遗产被剪短的故事。Steacy的最新著作揭示了当今报业面临的严峻现实,在幕后审视了一家新闻编辑室的勇气和决心,尽管广告收入减少、发行量下降、裁员、收购和破产。在他对广受好评的《Deadline》报纸的后续报道中,这本190页的书收录了Steacy对《问询者报》新闻编辑室和印刷厂的照片、《问询者》档案中的历史材料以及他自己家族的五代新闻人历史。前《问询者报》执行主编吉恩·罗伯茨(Gene Roberts)的随笔解释了企业媒体整合以及为了最大限度地提高股东价值而从新闻编辑室扩张到预算削减的转变是报业随后垮台的第一块多米诺骨牌。Deadline不仅为我们提供了一个了解危机行业现实的开放窗口,还解释了我们是如何以及为什么来到这里的。Steacy对媒体衰落的深入研究在选举年尤为重要,在这个选举年,由于选民的政治意识形态压倒了事实和问责制,美国去新闻化的后果得到了充分展示。 基本信息 出版社 : b.frank books; 第 1st 版 (2016年6月1日) 语言 : 英语 平装 : 192页 ISBN-10 : 3906217078 ISBN-13 : 978-3906217079 商品重量 : 358 g