chapter 1 an overview of international business negotiation 1.1 the concept of international business negotiation 1.2 the characteristics of international business negotiation 1.3 the basic rules of international business negotiation 1.4 the types of international business negotiation chapter 2 principles of international business negotiation 2.1 basic principles of international business negotiation 2.2 theoretical frameworks for international business negotiation chapter 3 preparation for international business negotiation 3.1 collecting information 3.2 forming the negotiation team 3.3 formulating the negotiation ns 3.4 physical preparations 3.5 simulated negotiations chapter 4 opening of international business negotiation 4.1 types of opening atmosphere for negotiation 4.2 opening strategies 4.3 how to create a good negotiation atmosphere 4.4 opening statement chapter 5 bargaining process 5.1 quotation 5.2 offering a price 5.3 counter offering chapter 6 negotiation strategies and tactics 6.1 making concessions 6.2 typical hardball tactics 6.3 strategies used to prevent the counterparts attack chapter 7 how to break an impasse in negotiation 7.1 types of the impasse 7.2 causes of impasse 7.3 avoid the impasse 7.4 resolutions of the impasse chapter 8 ychological qualities and creativity of the negotiator 8.1 ychological qualities of the negotiator 8.2 ychological management of negotiators 8.3 creativity and problem solving in negotiation chapter 9 language skills in international business negotiation 9.1 skills of asking questions 9.2 skills of answering questions 9.3 skills of watching/ observing body language chapter 10 inter culture munication in negotiation 10.1 differences of business cultures 10.2 culturally responsive negotiation strategies chapter 11 the styles of business negotiations 11.1 american style 11.2 german style 11.3 french style 11.4 british style 11.5 russian style 11.6 australian style