History in Dispute, Volume 14: The Middle East Since 1945, First Series(货号TJ)争议中的历史,第14卷:1945年以来的中东,第一辑
举报- 作者: David W. Lesch (ed.)
- 出版社: St. James Press
- ISBN: 9781558624726
- 出版时间: 2004
- 版次: 1
- 印刷时间: 2004
- 印次: 1
- 装帧: 精装
- 开本: 28.2*21.9
- 纸张: 胶版纸
- 页数: 408页
- 作者: David W. Lesch (ed.)
- 出版社: St. James Press
- ISBN: 9781558624726
- 出版时间: 2004
- 版次: 1
- 印刷时间: 2004
- 印次: 1
- 装帧: 精装
- 开本: 28.2*21.9
- 纸张: 胶版纸
- 页数: 408页
- 数量
- 商品分类:
- 历史
- 货号:
- TJ0362-J728-b786
- 商品描述:
全套书共21卷,一同出售,不拆套。本书为英语原版,精装本,原定价240.00美元,净重1340克,馆藏。【图书分类:历史、地理 > 世界史 > 通史】What caused the fall of the Roman empire? What did the second amendment to the U.S. constitution mean to the founding fathers? What was the role of black troops in the American Civil War?
History in Dispute addresses these heavily debated questions by offering your students different critical perspectives on major historical events, drawn from all time periods and from all parts of the globe. The intent of this biennial series is to provide students with an enhanced understanding of events only summarized in history texts, help stimulate critical thinking and provide ideas for papers and assignments.
Each volume in the History in Dispute series has a thematic, era or subject-specific focus that coincides with the way history is studied at the academic level. Each volume contains roughly 50 entries, chosen by an advisory board of historians and academics. Entries begin with a brief overview summarizing the controversy. This introduction is followed by two or more signed, point-counterpoint essays of 1, 500 to 2, 000 words each. Features include excerpts from primary source documents to illuminate the viewpoints presented with each entry; photographs and drawings of individuals, sites, objects or documents pertinent to the event or topic; and a chronological list of events. Volumes include a cumulative subject index.
Look for coverage of:
World War II
Civil and human rights
The Cold War
Vol. 1. The Cold War : first series / edited by Benjamin Frankel --
v. 2. American social and political movements, 1900-1945 : pursuit of liberty / edited by Robert J. Allison --
v. 3. American social and political movements, 1900-1945 : pursuit of progress / edited by Robert J. Allison --
v. 4. World War II / edited by Dennis Showalter --
v. 5. World War II / edited by Dennis Showalter --
v. 6. The Cold War : second series / edited by Dennis E. Showalter and Paul DuQuenoy --
v. 7. Water and the environment since 1945 : global perspectives --
v. 8. World War I, first series / edited by Dennis E. Showalter --
v. 9. World War I : second series / edited by Dennis Showalter --
v. 10. The Crusades, 1095-1291 --
v. 11. The Holocaust, 1933-1945 / edited by Tandy McConnell --
v. 12. The American Revolution, 1763-1789 / edited by Keith Krawczynksi --
v. 13. Slavery in the Western hemisphere, circa 1500-1888 / edited by Mark G. Malvasi --
v. 14. The Middle East since 1945. First series / edited by David W. Lesch --
v. 15. The Middle East since 1945. Second series / edited by David W. Lesch --
v. 16. Twentieth-century European social and political movements. First series / edited by Paul du Quenoy --
v. 17. Twentieth-century European social and political movements. Second series / edited by Paul du Quenoy --
v. 18. The Spanish Civil War / edited by Kenneth W. Estes and Daniel Kowalsky --
v. 19. The Red scare after 1945 / edited by Robbie Lieberman --
v. 20. Classical antiquity and classical studies / edited by Paul Allen Miller and Charles Platter --
v. 21. Revolutionary Russia, 1890-1930 / edited by Paul du Quenoy
Robert J. Allison is chairman of the history department of Suffolk University in Boston and teaches courses in American Constitutional history and the history of Boston at Harvard Extension School. His books include The Crescent Obscured: The United States and the Muslim World, 1776–1815 (2000); A Short History of Boston (2004); Stephen Decatur, American Naval Hero (2005); The Boston Massacre (2006); and The Boston Tea Party (2007). He was a consultant to the Commonwealth Museum at the State Archives in Boston, and he is on the board of overseers of the USS Constitution Museum in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He is vice president of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, an elected fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and president of the South Boston Historical Society. He lives in South Boston and summers in Provincetown on Cape Cod. His newest book, A Short History of Cape Cod, is published by Commonwealth Editions.