“铁托在非洲——描绘团结”。通过1947-1980年间的历史老照片,反映了前南斯拉夫的外交模式。铁托生前团结非洲国家,既反殖民主义,又推动国际会议的渗透作用。1956年铁托同埃及总统纳赛尔,印度总理尼赫鲁在布里俄尼岛(今克罗地亚)举行会谈,发起了“不结盟运动”,强调和平共处、非殖民化和互不干涉内政。二战后美苏争霸进入冷战格局,南斯拉夫力求各国外交独立自主,这一理念宛如一股清流,使国民在物质与精神上都非常富足。 The result of collaboration between the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Museum of Yugoslavia, this photographic exhibition documents Tito’s state tours of various Africa countries from the mid-1950s to the late 1970s.
The tours were designed to drum up African support for Yugoslavia’s Non-Aligned Movement - a group of states not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc - by underlining its anti-colonialism and socialist solidarity.
Rather than mere staged propaganda shots, the photographs feature informal moments of interaction between Tito and African leaders, from meeting factory workers to safari hunting.
The images offer "an alternative picture of Cold War cultural relations between developing nations from different continents and traditions", according to Prof. Paul Betts from the University of Oxford.